E-Collar Training

Last week, Nukka and I went back to TOPS K9 Kennel to have a private lesson with our trainer to introduce her (and myself) to E-collar training. Nukka's listening skills are great when she is in training mode but if I were to just let her off leash at a park or the beach, there was a slim chance she would respond to anything I said. So my options were to keep her on a long-line anytime I wanted to take her somewhere that wasn't fenced for 6-8 months or E-collar train her. I tried out the long-line for a week before deciding to get the E-collar and then continued to use the long-line until our lesson. She just wasn't responding the way I liked. I chose the E-collar because I felt I would get faster and clearer results. We spent a half hour with Krista on Tuesday night. During this time we taught Nukka how to associate the e-collar zap with a prong collar correction, then gave her more freedom in the training hall and then took it outside. We drove over to the old fair g...