
E-Collar Training

Last week, Nukka and I went back to TOPS K9 Kennel to have a private lesson with our trainer to introduce her (and myself) to E-collar training. Nukka's listening skills are great when she is in training mode but if I were to just let her off leash at a park or the beach, there was a slim chance she would respond to anything I said. So my options were to keep her on a long-line anytime I wanted to take her somewhere that wasn't fenced for 6-8 months or E-collar train her. I tried out the long-line for a week before deciding to get the E-collar and then continued to use the long-line until our lesson. She just wasn't responding the way I liked.  I chose the E-collar because I felt I would get faster and clearer results. We spent a half hour with Krista on Tuesday night. During this time we taught Nukka how to associate the e-collar zap with a prong collar correction, then gave her more freedom in the training hall and then took it outside. We drove over to the old fair g...

Raw Feeding

Now that Nukka has turned one years old, I have decided to switch her to a raw diet. A lot of thought and internal struggle has gone into this decision. I have been interested in raw feeding for about a year now but being a college student, there was no way I was going to be able to feed my dogs raw. So they have been on a high quality kibble for since we got them. Now that I am graduated and have a full-time job, it is now a feasible option. I started doing research after I had been following @lifeoflynnaceky for awhile. Before then I didn't even know what raw feeding was. From there, I joined a Raw Feeding group on facebook and continued to follow posts about how to feed raw, learn about recommended pre-made raw companies and high quality kibble. I have decided to feed Nukka Stella & Chewy's Frozen Patties because it is balanced, highly rated, made just outside of Milwaukee, easy to feed and they have many different types of meats to choose from. I am excited to star...

Training the Samoyed

Samoyeds are known to be a highly intelligent but stubborn breed of dog. They don't enjoy repetition without variation. Nukka has proven to be more of a challenge to train than my other two dogs because she is more opinionated and gets distracted easily. Before getting her, I had done my research on the breed and knew that she would be more of a challenge to train than my Border Collie mix, Ducati, and my Plott Hound mix, Ace. She didn't disappoint! But with her being more of a challenge, the reward is that much greater. We have completed the Beginner Obedience at TOPS K9 Kennel in Grayslake, IL. In this class the dog learns how to sit, heel, lay down, come, stand, flip turn (or finish), sit stay for 1 minute and down stay for 3 minutes. TOPS is a facility that has successfully trained many police dogs to do their  jobs. In doing so, they teach the owners how to properly use prong collars. I have found the prong collars are a wonderful training tool and would recommend it to ...

History of the Samoyed

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog about living with Nukka (pronounced Noo-kah for those of you who don't follow us on instagram)! Getting a puppy is a big decision that can change every aspect of your life. If you're wondering what it is like to have a Sammy stay tuned for my weekly updates! History of the Samoyed: Samoyeds were originally bred to hunt, haul sleds and herd reindeer for the Samoyede people of Siberia. These Samoyede people were located in northern Siberia, where temperatures often reached 60 degrees below zero. The Samoyede tribesmen were peaceful people, who treated their dogs as part of their family. It has been said that Samoyeds would lay on or next to their owners to keep them warm at night in frigid conditions. Because of this the Samoyeds developed a love and understanding of humankind and an unfailing trust and loyalty which has been passed down through generations and are still seen today. At the end of the 19th century, Samoyeds were brought out...