History of the Samoyed

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog about living with Nukka (pronounced Noo-kah for those of you who don't follow us on instagram)! Getting a puppy is a big decision that can change every aspect of your life. If you're wondering what it is like to have a Sammy stay tuned for my weekly updates!

History of the Samoyed:

Samoyeds were originally bred to hunt, haul sleds and herd reindeer for the Samoyede people of Siberia. These Samoyede people were located in northern Siberia, where temperatures often reached 60 degrees below zero. The Samoyede tribesmen were peaceful people, who treated their dogs as part of their family. It has been said that Samoyeds would lay on or next to their owners to keep them warm at night in frigid conditions. Because of this the Samoyeds developed a love and understanding of humankind and an unfailing trust and loyalty which has been passed down through generations and are still seen today.

At the end of the 19th century, Samoyeds were brought out of Siberia to pull sledges on Arctic and Antarctic expeditions. Many of these dogs endured terrible hardships serving mankind and only a few returned. Obviously the toy versions of the Samoyeds would not have been able to do this. Samoyeds are a true working dog- powerful, gentle and beautiful!

Most DNA strains in England and the US are descended from the expedition sled dog survivors. The first American Samoyed was imported from Russia in 1906 but most present day Samoyeds trace their ancestry to dogs imported after World War I.

A Samoyed has a double-coat with a think, soft and short undercoat and a course, long harsh outer coat. This coat requires regular brushing but surprisingly is is very easy to keep clean. Dirt, Sand, dust all fall right out after the fur is dry again. This coat is built to keep Samoyeds warm up to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. 

History of Nukka:

Now, Nukka is from Vanderbilt Samoyeds located in Milburn, Ontario. Her mom is Vanderbilt's Let's Bake A Cake (Misty) and her dad is Vanderbilt's Line of Duty (Captain). They are both beautiful dogs and I have provided a link to their pedigrees below:

Long story short- I had put my name in for a litter that was supposed to be born at the beginning of June but the momma dog ended up not getting pregnant. My name was transferred onto the next litter but I wanted a puppy before classes started again at the beginning of September because I had a lot of free time this summer. The breeder told me she would be put me on the short notice list as well. On June 30th I got an e-mail from the breeder saying they had a short notice puppy available if I would like to purchase her. I jumped at the chance to have my dream dog and worked out the details with her. Myself, boyfriend and a few friends hopped in the car at 11:30pm on June 30th and drove 10 hours to Buffalo, NY to meet Nukka and bring her back home to Milwaukee, WI.

She was 3.5 months old at the time and was the cutest little cloud I had ever seen! On the way home I couldn't believe that she was real, that I finally had a little Samoyed sitting in my lap. Over the last three months, Nukka and I have learned a lot together and I can wait to continue to do so. 

Thanks for checking out our new blog! Visit us on instagram at @fluffernut_nukka for daily pictures/videos of your favorite marshmallow. 


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